This is the tombstone of Robert J. and Alice K. (Whiteleather) Crist. They are buried in Moultrie Chapel Cemetery, West Township, Columbiana County, Ohio. They are both cousins of mine, but from different ancestral lines. Robert is, of course, from my Crist line, and Alice is from my Sanor/Zehner line. Both of these families settled in northeastern Ohio in the early part of the 19th century.
This tombstone has some unique features; the first being that it has their marriage date, 27 March 1938, carved over wedding rings located between their names. The second, and most unique, feature is the picture in the background. It depicts their home and Crist Dairy Farm, which Robert co-owned, located in Homeworth, Ohio. What an incredible memorial for future generations!
Here is a picture of the Crist Dairy Farm in 2005
Note the three silos just like on the tombstone, and the house to the right of the farm buildings.
I have to admit that is one of the most interesting tombstones I have seen. I would never had thought to put the wedding date on one, and I really like the picture of their farm.